[P1] crazy battery

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Mon Dec 23 15:20:05 PST 2002

On 22/12/02 15:36, "matthew h" <matthew at stolenkisses.net> wrote:

> My battery is acting all crazy like these days.  I have an iBook (500
> Mhz, 384 RAM) running 10.2.1.  Before Jaguar I used to be able to bring
> my laptop to work to use at my lunchbreak.  When I opened it up
> (airport off, screen dimmed) the battery level would be at 92%--now
> it's at 70%.  With my power settings at 'Longest Battery Life' I can
> only squeeze out like twenty minutes when I used to get an hour.  Also,
> the Low Battery warning is popping up earlier and earlier--used to be
> at 14%, a few weeks ago at 30%,  and last night it was at 70% that I
> got the warning.  Is this Jaguar?  Is it my iBook?  Any suggestions?

It's not Jaguar for sure. I get more life out of my battery than in any
previous version of X now on Jaguar. You might want to update to 10.2.3 of
course, but you might also want to do a Power Manager Reset, it seems more
like your problem. 



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