Hi Sonia, This is a workaround of sorts. I have no idea the amount of people you have to give this presentation to, but I came across a gadget not so long ago. It was a screen magnifier. There were two models ; one magnifies the screen 50%, the other 100%. It claimed to work and not blur up the picture. Its basically a big plastic magnifying glass thing. It was being sold as something to attach in front of a 14" portable TV, and you place it closer of further away to give a larger or smaller picture. I think it cost about £30. Again, this is just something that came to my mind when reading your post. I don't know if it would help you out, but if it is good enough for your purposes, then at least you can use your Clamshell to help you and not pay for another laptop or use the PC, that being your intention, right?