[P1] Kinda OT: AOL picture attachments

Mark O'Brien rmobrien at mac.com
Mon Dec 30 13:43:32 PST 2002

On 12/30/02 12:43 PM, "Fisher, Patrick" <patrick.m.fisher at wamu.net> wrote:

> So basically, AOL mangles attachments. Someone I am getting off of AOL
> couldn't get newsletters from their union. They would get mangled. I
> heard that if you send more than one picture, AOL zips them.
> Sending pictures BETWEEN AoHell users is easy. It's just in and out of
> AOL. 
> To tell you the truth, I got extremely frustrated a couple of years back
> trying to unravel this issue. And I keep telling the people this happens
> to that it has nothing to do with the fact that they have a Mac. Some
> people blame their Mac, although I tell them that I have been sending
> and receiving pictures for years without a problem using my local mom
> and pop ISP.

This situation came up for me a couple of years ago. What I learned is that
AOL can only handle one attachment at a time and it can't be more than a
certain file size (which I can't recall). More than this is when the
mangling occurs.

When I was sending from Entourage using Apple Double encoding, even though
it was going to a Mac AOL user it was getting screwed up. That's because AOL
saw two separate files being sent - the data fork and the resource fork.

I solved the problem by changing my Entourage encoding setting to Windows
(Base64/MIME) so AOL would only see one file attached.

As another response mentioned, you can also avoid the problem by zipping or
stuffing multiple files so there's only one attachment.
Mark O'Brien
AIM: rmarkob

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