[P1] jaguar on a rev A clamshell

Peter Nacken caipirina at mac.com
Mon Nov 25 12:29:29 PST 2002

on 11/26/02 4:59 AM, fielder-bianco at sealea39 at cox.net wrote:

> hi,
> Can anyone here comment on the feasibility of running Jaguar on the original
> rev A blueberry clamshell 300mhz with the maximum ram of 288mb???? I
> currently have 10.1.5 and 9.2.2 running acceptably and would like to upgrade
> to Jaguar but don't want to spend that much money on something that will not
> be worth it. I have only recently subscribed to the list and my reading of
> it so far has not found postings addressing this model.
> TIA,
> bafielder

I have 10.2.2. Running on that configuration (in tangerine though) and I am
a happy camper ... Though I do not do anything like photoshop or iMovie on
it ... Just email, jeweltoy, chatting and browsing ... Some office stuff
maybe .... But again .. I am very happy


(yes Dan, it is cheeto and cheeto is happy here on this island :)

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