> The latest rev is /D and there are changes, such as 128 bit encryption. > >>> 1. Will the new white Airport base station communicate with my old >>> Airport card in my version A iBook? Is there an advantage to getting >>> a new card? >> >> There is no advantage. The cards have not changed. To clarify about these revised versions of the AirPort cards (original AirPort, before AirPort Extreme): You can buy & install any version of the Apple-branded card, as Apple's AirPort software will automatically update the card to have all the latest features. To quote from: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106424 === Note: All AirPort cards using AirPort 1.3.1 or later software will have had their card firmware updated to use 128-bit encryption. The original AirPort Base Station (Graphite) can only use 40-bit encryption. === Note that while the AirPort cards in the computers are upgraded for 128-bit security, the original grey-colored Apple Base Station limits traffic to only 40-bit security, which is still better than nothing. Tip: Change the passwords frequently on your Base Station. A flaw in wireless security allows crackers to determine the password after watching enough data fly by, apparently about a gigabytes worth of traffic. You may call me paranoid, but I unknowingly lived in the same neighborhood with Kevin Mitnick! --Basil Bourque