[P1] External Firewire HD

Gary Adams gdadams1 at cox.net
Mon Aug 18 14:38:22 PDT 2003

I just cloned one external FW drive to another with CCC. Worked like a 
charm. Both drives are in dual fw/usb enclosures I got from compgeeks.

The only problem was when I first booted, the drive seemed to hang when 
it was "waiting for local drive"--I have a fw burner (sony) and a 2.5" 
fw external drive too. I did a force-quit/restart and it worked fine.
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 04:31 PM, Jack Rodgers wrote:

> On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 10:51  AM, Brian Olesky wrote:
>> And if I start out the first time with a
>> complete copy of everything, is that all I need to boot off the 
>> external
>> drive if the internal drive drops dead?

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