OT: Used Mac Prices

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Thu Aug 21 01:05:40 PDT 2003

> From: Mike Urseth <mike at signhelpers.com>
> Of course I'm plugging along in the Old World of 9.2. Getting into
> OSX native versions of Quark, Illustrator, etc. will be a little
> pricey.
Which is why Classic is so nice. I use "old" versions of Quark, 
Illustrator, Photoshop and so on sometimes still, and all of them work 
perfectly in Classic.

> I realize that I can run Classic (although I must admit to being more
> than a little underwhelmed by what I've seen of that process.

This I don't understand at all. What's different about Classic as 
opposed to OS 9?

I have Classic set to start up automatically when the machine is 
restarted (which happens about once a week, tops). Classic starting up 
of course adds time to the startup routine (about a minute), but I'm 
out of the room when this happens anyway so I don't care.

Once active, Classic performs seamlessly with OS X, and "sleeps" if not 
in use so I never have to restart it.

Between that and not having to shut down my computer so often (maybe 
once or twice a month), OS X has made me remarkably more productive 
than I ever was in OS 9.


Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most people 
use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are inferior to 

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