[P1] Booting from secondary drive

Pat D. Stephens patdart at cox-internet.com
Sat Aug 30 20:18:09 PDT 2003

Will this work if your external is another OS?  Mine is 9.1 and I'm 
trying to move it to 9.2, but having problems doing it.  Looks like my 
CD drive is messed up...

Any thoughts appreciated.

On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 09:58 PM, MA501Guy at aol.com wrote:

> you go to your system preferences on the upper left corner, at the blue
> apple.  choose the system preferences, which will open up that folder. 
>  click on
> start up disc and there you can choose which system you prefer to 
> start up with,
> then hit the restart button.
> good luck

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