[P1] fresh installs and not responding to power button

Pamela Plowman pamela at theplowmans.com
Fri Dec 12 08:00:46 PST 2003

>>Yes, it's certainly possible to do as you describe. Often, sellers
>>reformat the drives before handing over their iBooks, but it's just as

>>easy for you to do it, too.
>>I just did a little surfing and found a great little tutorial that
>>lead you through the process:
>>Note that under the section "Step 3: Restore Everything," there is a 
>>checkbox in the tutorial picture where you can select "Erase Macintosh

>>HD before Restoring" -- this will clear the drive, and then install
>>factory-default software.

Yes I am running OS X v. 10.2.3.  I have two OS X discs, one is the OS X
10.0 install and the other is the OS X 10.1 upgrade.  I'm assuming that
I'd have to get 10.2 and 10.2.2 and then 10.2.3 in order to upgrade to
10.2.3...  Is this correct?  

You're also correct about the install discs for classic being 9.0.4.
Will I also have to go in the correct order to upgrade, or can I just
purchase a 9.2.2 cd and upgrade directly to that?

Thanks for all the help!


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