[P1] Metallifizer

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Sun Feb 2 19:06:37 PST 2003

> Is it possible to use Metallifizer by Unsanity to "demetallifize" 
> iTunes and iPhoto? Metallifizer worked on Safari but it apparently 
> does not work on iPhoto or iTunes.

"Metallifizer controls brushed metal appearance on all Cocoa 
applications under Mac OS X 10.2: it can enable or disable all Cocoa 
brushed metal appearance (this includes Address Book, iChat, Calculator 
and others, but not iTunes and QuickTime Player, as the latter are 
Carbon applications)."

(This is from the "Read Me" file, such as it is.)

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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