moving iPhoto Library

Robert Finlay rfinlay at
Fri Feb 14 08:00:15 PST 2003

> Does anyone know of a way to change the location that iPhoto looks to for
> your iPhoto Library?  I know it can be done for iTunes under prefrences, but
> I can't find a way in iPhoto.  The photos that I wan't to see in my library
> are located on a connected server.  I know I can alway connect to that
> server and copy the pictures into my iPhoto Library, but I'd like iPhoto to
> automatically look to that location.  Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Brian

Am I misunderstanding or over simplifying your question? If you do not need
multiple libraries or access to your pics when disconnected from the server,
just move your iPhoto Library onto server and create an alias for it in the
original location inside pictures folder. Dont mess with anything inside the
library, move the entire library folder. This works fine for me with library
on an ext hd. Im using iP2, and Jag 10.2.4. Hint came from Adam "Tidbit"
Engst's iPhoto book.


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