[P1] 3d-party wireless network

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Sat Feb 22 09:39:02 PST 2003

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, Charles Martin wrote:
> > From: Jeff Newman <newman5608 at earthlink.net>
> >
> > Looks like my PC-only office is _finally_ getting DSL and wireless. I
> > want to get a jump on how to get my original icebook connected with
> > an Airport card. I can't seem to find much help, probably because I
> > don't even know what to ask for. Can anyone point me to some good but
> > very basic sources?
> The reason you can't find much in the way of resources is because there
> is basically nothing to do. If the Airport card is turned on and there
> is an 802.11b network in the area, it will "lock on" and you will just
> be on. Yes, it's that simple.
> I suppose it's possible that they might password-protect the network to
> keep you from getting on, but I really doubt they will do this -- if
> they knew anything about security your office would not be PC-only!!

You also assume that they have DCHP turned on. If not, Jeff will need to
know his IP address, router address, DNS servers, etc.

Also, it is possible that only certain MAC addresses are allowed on the
network. You'll neet to get your Mac's MAC address added to the allowed
list. If you have an IS department like the one in my company, good luck!
You'll need it. If you have reasonable people in your IS department, it
should be a no-brainer.


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