[P1] OS X Backup

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 22 11:44:23 PST 2003

On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 01:52  PM, Donald Bahringer wrote:

> I have been trying to make a bootable backup with OSX on an external 
> hard drive with no success with either Retrospect Express, Intego 
> Backup, Carbon Copy Clone. Neither will make a bootable copy. I found 
> a powerful program that will do that and more - make a bootable backup 
> of an entire hard drive- back up folders and files and synchronize 
> files and compress files. A very versatile commercial program, not 
> shareware but they offer a full featured 30 day demo.
> The program is - Tr-Backup(OS)X from tri-edre

What's the cost and how long does it take to make a full backup and a 
mirror image backup.

Retrospect 5.0.2+ does the Duplicate quite nicely but it sure takes a 
long time. Guess being used to 20 Meg hard drives has its disadvantage. 
Let's see, 1000 times longer than....

jackrodgers at earthlink.net

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