[P1] Using a Mac in a Windows office

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 23 16:05:12 PST 2003

On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 06:37  PM, Kim GammelgÄrd wrote:

> I should have added that I have no trouble at all with Excel-files in 
> OSX,
> and that may be another reason to choose X over 9.

I haven't tried X-Xcel (just posted so I could use that). But I would 
imagine the dox .xls would cause X to open the files with X-Xcel.  Hmm, 
there's a Mexican beer called Dosseci's or something like that. Could 
we work that into X-Xcel or XX cel?

jackrodgers at earthlink.net

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