Capturing video clips from DVD

Charles Martin chasm at
Wed Feb 26 00:22:08 PST 2003

> From: Mark Kippert <maclists at>
> I have a 500MHz Dual USB iBook with combo drive, currently running 
> Jaguar. I
> was wondering if there is a way to capture small video clips from a 
> DVD? I
> just want to send a couple small QuickTimes to a friend, nothing high 
> end.

Yes, there are several. I believe ffmpeg X will do this for you, 
converting it into an MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 file. There's another one called 
Forty-Two (a Doug Adams reference perhaps?) that's supposedly great as 
well. Both are freeware. This will of course not work on copy-protected 
(ie commercial) DVDs, but works great for personal ones.

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