[P1] System bombs.

Small Moose Ltd small_moose_ltd at mac.com
Fri Jan 17 09:57:00 PST 2003

On 17/1/03 4:49 pm, "Jack Rodgers" <jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Lastly, the next time you open Entourage, hold down the option while it
> opens and then rebuild the database.

Thanks for the tip Jack, I didn't know about this one. I have been running
Entourage on this iBook since August 2001 and have never rebuilt the
Entourage database. It currently contains 860 messages in the inbox and 180
sent items. I try and clean out my 'deleted items' on a regular basis.

How would I go about finding an Entourage update? I presume it would mean a
trip to the Microsft Office Mactopia website and downloading the relevant
stuff from there, right?


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