[P1] Which PC based laptop is comparable to the iBook ??

Paul Bernhardt pbern10 at xmission.com
Sun Jan 19 10:23:37 PST 2003

Allan Hise said on 1/19/03 11:07 AM:

>Go with the new 12" powerbook. Max out RAM. Add a windows emulator.
>That should be better than anything else out there that runs windows

Well, Windows XP is, I hate to say this, a pretty decent OS... I've been 
really surprised by how stable it has been for me. I use it exclusively 
at my office (a college campus standardized on 'Doze XP) and the only 
problems I have are the ones that are related to poor OS human factors, 
not due to technical issues or blue screens of death. 

Therefore, the old saw is no longer so true: that running Windows on a 
Mac in Virtual PC is better than running Windows on PC hardware. (Virtual 
PC was automatically backing up Windows so that if you had a blue screen 
you could just revert to the previously saved situation, something 
conventional Windows users could only dream about.)


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