[P1] Fix_prebinding is crashing on start

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Sun Jan 26 02:52:04 PST 2003

Meg St. Clair wrote the following:

> [Meg-St-Clairs-iBook:/] meg% sudo update_prebinding -root

you need to add one more character, the / see below...

> It almost looks as if it's telling me *about* the command. Did it do
> anything?

Not yet,

terminal is trying to tell you that it does not have all of the required
information to do the request... (if you will a very unmac like form of
help), everything you typed is okay but you need to add the "/" symbol after
a space at the end for it to know where it will be doing this task.

sudo update_prebinding -root /

above you typed:

sudo update_prebinding -root

then it will start listing lines like the examples below

[SAL9000:/] richardmckay% sudo update_prebinding -root /

2003-01-26 10:16:31.824 update_prebinding[624] Start of update_prebinding
2003-01-26 10:16:31.831 update_prebinding[624] Start of search for binaries
in packages...
2003-01-26 10:16:31.833 update_prebinding[624] Discover library dependencies
(0/1 complete)

it will list quite a few lines like this and then the lines should change

2003-01-26 10:16:56.400 update_prebinding[624] Build dependency graph (0/1

and lastly change to these lines:

2003-01-26 10:18:00.509 update_prebinding[624] Prebinding files (20/1507

when finished it will list something like this:

2003-01-26 10:20:20.845 update_prebinding[624] Update_prebinding done.
2003-01-26 10:20:20.847 update_prebinding[624] 0 files successfully
prebound, 21 files unsuccessfully prebound.

the process takes a while (ca. 3-5 minutes) and it will list quite a few
lines in the meantime...then it will finish and leave you back at the
command line:

> [Meg-St-Clairs-iBook:/] meg%

Don't be scared or intimidated by what lines the terminal spits out...just
run the command with the / at the end (don't forget the space between the
word "root" and the symbol "/" and then press return and let Unix do its
thing...what is important is that it will fix the problem of where did I
place those files! for the computer and should boot okay after this...

sorry for the length of the post...

Let us know if everything worked out okay...



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