[P1] OT: Keep Internet Explorer or MS products?

Rebecca J. Hoffman rebecca at syracusenet.net
Sun Jan 26 06:46:00 PST 2003

I don't like MS's business practices. I find Windows incredibly 
irritating and don't understand why anyone would chose to use it. I'm 
very glad that Apple provides such a great alternative.

This said, don't you think it might be a bit over the top comparing MS 
to Hitler and Mao.


On Sunday, January 26, 2003, at 06:17  AM, good-dog at northshore.net 

> It appears that for what most people do for writing, they can do it 
> without Word and be compatible with the "Forced Standard" of 
> Microsoft, and with OS X's ability to be compatible, this becomes less 
> an issue.  With products like Mariner Write Migration away from the 
> Heinous, Soulless Giant becomes that much easier, with less fear of 
> "missing out" on anything significant.  I'm assuming this is what you 
> mean. If so, cool.
> True, MS may employ wonderful Mac folks, but Hitler had great 
> designers, too (some of their graphics are great. You can't take away 
> from their design capabilities, but you wouldn't want to hang the 
> stuff in your house, either.)  I agree with your opinion about 
> associating with companies who trade in swill as their common currency 
> of behavior.  Would you shake Mao's hand knowing it was responsible 
> for the murder of over 20 million people if you didn't have to?  
> Freedom of choice is a priceless commodity. Well spoken, Chas.

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