[P1] Ttly OT: Fiji exercises internet censorship !!!

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 3 15:41:19 PDT 2003

On Thursday, July 3, 2003, at 10:29  AM, Joost van de Griek wrote:

>> Shutting down or pulling the plug may leave the read write head in a 
>> bad place
>> instead of parking it safely and lead to drive damage.
> Any modern drive parks the heads automatically when the power is cut.

Have I become one of those out of date old guys remembering what used 
to be but is now not?

>> I would assume but not know for sure that rebooting leaves the drive 
>> spinning
>> and the head not dragging on the disk.
> Reboot does leave the drive spinning, yes. However, the heads do not 
> touch
> the medium on a hard drive, so as far as the heads "dragging on the 
> disk",
> there is no concern that that might happen (unless you have a hardware
> failure).

I remember the stiction (sp?) issue with one Apple drive where the head 
stuck to the disk, perhaps the film of oil on the disk, and required a 
software fix to jolt the drive with enough energy to overcome the stuck 

But, as I said above, maybe I am just remembering all of those horror 
stories of drive heads gouging big ditches through the drive platter 
and as you state, this is no longer an issue.

Wake up Jack, the future is tomorrow not yesterday.

The 2003 campaign begins...

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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