[P1] a couple observations...

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 4 07:17:41 PDT 2003

On Thursday, July 3, 2003, at 11:47  AM, Zoki wrote:

>> Just wait, the new Apple Finder resembles the Windows XP finder...  :)
> *** Go wash your mouth with soap... :-)))

In fact, the file names in my shared folder are even spelled the same...

I was amazed that the 'new' Panther finder window looks so much like 
the Windows XP finder window in that it has two sections, one with a 
directory on the left and a display on the right for the contents of 
the folder. Both XP and XPanther let you choose between list and icons. 
But from the looks of it, Apple is cooler and friendlier, the 
difference between a blond and a redhead.

The 2003 campaign begins...

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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