[P1] Accidental battery life development

Harry D. Corsover harry at corsazzi.com
Mon Jul 7 22:17:30 PDT 2003

----- On 7/7/03 9:54 PM MDT (-0600), Brian Pearce <bpearce at cloud9.net> 
wrote, in part:

>(And yes, I know I need a new battery.)

This is one way AppleCare pays for itself. They've already replaced two 
batteries in my clamshell iBook SE 366 -- the original, and one I bought 
on special from another vendor for $20. It was DOA, and Apple replaced it 
for free since it was an Apple battery. That, plus their replacing the AC 
adaptor when it started to produce wisps of white smoke more than paid 
for the cost of AppleCare for me.

Best Regards,

Harry Corsover

    Harry Corsover, Independent Business Owner
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