[P1] Accidental battery life development, continued

Zoki zoki.news at linuxix.2y.net
Thu Jul 17 00:37:22 PDT 2003

Le 10/07/2003 05:39, « Michael Adams » <bulk at michaeladams.org> a écrit :

>>     FWIW, I tried draining the battery down to zero and charging it
>> back up,
>> which is something I don't often do, and my battery life came back up

*** One thing **NOT** to do with the new batteries like the icebook's, and
this should be a note with flashing lights around it on every desk, is
<flash> **NOT** </flash> to drain it to zero. These batteries do not have a
memory and they can be charged when they're half empty. Same thing with the
iPod's batt. If you have a problem with the icebook batt. and you think that
is wrong (e.g. a new battery but not "it worked yesterday and today it
doesn't anymore", they tend to die without putting up a sign) you should
contact your repair shop. There's no mistery or magic involved. It either
works or it doesn't.

Now, if you're positive the problem comes from installing version 10.3 you
should wipe your disk and reinstall the latest NON BETA version.

Reinstalling over a newer version doesn't always solve the problem. I could
immagine the Apple installer checks the files it replaces and if it finds
one to be newer than what he wants to install he maybe doesn't. So if one of
the features of 10.3 is heavier use of the VM and it is compatible with
10.2.6 it's maybe still on your system and draining the batteries even
though you went back to 10.2.6

I still have a question: Why in Gods name do you install a beta version on
anything that isn't a test machine?


Windows software isn't released, it's allowed to escape.

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