OT: Creating PDFs , an Adobe Distiller question

gooddogcomics at mac.com gooddogcomics at mac.com
Mon Jul 21 00:50:41 PDT 2003

In using Adobe Distiller to create a PDF, how do you add a font so the 
PDF is created using a font you want?  We keep trying to make a PDF but 
distiller substitutes Courier for Skia.  When we try to add Skia via 
the job options menu selection, we STILL end up with Courier.

We probably don't know where to put the fonts so the computer can find 
them.  We're a bit in over our heads.  I figured this out a while ago, 
but since I don't have to use it all the time, I'm stumped now.  I 
can't find any reference material, book or online, that describes this 

We're working with Acrobat 4 in Classic on the latest build of Jaguar.

Can anyone help?

We're working on our Wedding Announcement, and the Quark file was 
getting way too big, so we wanted to make a high-res PDF to chop down 
the size.  We were able to create the cover as a PDF, but when we got 
to the inside of the card where the text is, we were stopped.



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