[P1] Word formatting in Mac, PC

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 25 09:24:44 PDT 2003

On Friday, July 25, 2003, at 11:28  AM, Pat D. Stephens wrote:

> Well, that settles that...my switcher won't be nearly so interested in 
> switching with that info.  Her Word docs are booklets that she prints 
> to go with her products and will be a problem, that being the case.  
> Glad to know this in advance!

Word's style sheets, hopefully she did use styles, can be adjusted to 
compensate for changes.

If she was lucky she used a common default style sheet for all of her 
documents rather than designing one within each document and if so, one 
only needs to open a particular style and modify it.

Before making any recommendations or making complicated decisions based 
on info in an anonymous email, one should do one's own testing on the 
equipment in question and see what the actual results are. This is very 
difficult to teach novice database designers since they immediately 
assume their interpretation of a command is what will happen and can't 
understand why their results differ from what they thought they would 
be. Also, the idea of test, compare and adjust seems totally alien to 
these newbies...

10,000 trees may soon die in South Florida...


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