[P1] Weird wireless, router, reload problem ?!?!?

Mike Beede beede at visi.com
Wed Jun 4 07:37:30 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, Jun 3, 2003, at 19:30 US/Central, Tom R. no spam wrote:

> For any given run of traceroute, it
> will always go through the same set of nodes; but from
> run to run a different route may be followed, that being
> one of the fundamental strengths of the internet.

Actually a deficiency (if you like) of traceroute is it
won't necessarily go through the same route even during
a single run.  If some router along the way changes its
route, you may get entirely bogus results with the first
half of one route and the second half of the other

Usually routing changes are slow enough that you get a
good route.



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