[P1] SMTP on iBook

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Thu Jun 19 16:03:44 PDT 2003

andy wrote the following:

> Briefly, is there a SMTP server included with OS X? (10.2.6 on my iBook
> 800)
> My ISP will not let me send outgoing mail when I'm not connected via
> one of
> their IPs (ie. when I'm at school, rather than at home) and it's a
> little frustrating.
> I haven't been able to find any applecare docs that refer to sendmail
> in anything
> but OS X Server... is this a sign?


Have you thought about using a web based email set-up to get around this
when at different locations? Then you could just set up the email program
you are using to send SMTP validation...I know entourage supports it and
would imagine that mail and others do as well..

If you do decide to go ahead with Sendmail instead consider the security
implecations that are involved...

Sendmail is certainly included with both 'normal' and 'server' versions of
least X.2 but certainly with some earlier versions (I do believe that it is
a rather old version that is ported but at least there is one...) It however
is deactivated by default as a security measure.

For more info you can check the O'reilly site for instructions on how to set
it up and also check out the iBook or X-Unix archives for several posts on
help...I believe Chas mentioned something about it awhile ago with links?



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