Not very much on topic .. But since many of you read through my rants about the online situation here in Fiji, I'd like to relay that somewhat funny tale :) I am helping my old arch enemy, the monopolistic ISP here (who, as in all good movies, turned out to be not the actual bad guy) setting up fiji's first life web event .... The contact to that actually happened through no one else but our own charles martin ... Well is a little blurb I wrote about it and feel free to chime in .. disclaimer: I am not employed by nor do I get any benefits from getting more people watching ... I am also in no way authorized to write any kind of "press releases" .. So the below is not such ... If you need to relay this to apple or any message board, please include this disclaimer .. I just think it is kinda cool to be in a part of the world where you can do all those things "again, for the first time" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fiji's first webcast event On 6/25/03,, Fiji's only ISP, is hosting Fiji's first ever webcast event to celebrate it's anniversary. Spearheaded by 2 New Yorkers who moved to Fiji in 02 and 03, Jonathan Segal and Peter Nacken, this event will make full use of today's live internet technology while dealing with a restricted (ISDN) Bandwidth. The internet audience will participate using a java chat feature, they can view a 3 second updated webcam and every 20 minute updated slideshow of still digital images. A constantly reloading transcript text feature will update about current and upcoming events. Such as a moderated chat interview with Connect's CEO, and a the drawing of 10 lucky winners of one month "all you can eat" internet access. Hardware used is all apple/ macintosh: a 17" iMac, 2 one Ghz titanium Powerbooks, 2 iBooks and one old style clam shell iBook (more to remind us how beautiful these machines are) all connected using airport wireless technology. Add to this a firewire webcam and a Sony handycam and several digital still cameras. Among the software used will be apple's brand new iChat AV software using full screen video and iPhoto to create slide shows on the fly. You can access this event on on 6/25/03 6 PM fiji time.