[P1] Upgrade question...

Deborah Ramos deborah_ramos at mac.com
Sat Jun 28 13:32:47 PDT 2003

Hi Paul,

Where did you get the HD from? (That's a great price!)


On Friday, June 27, 2003, at 09:16PM, PaulKurtz III <paulkurtz at mac.com> wrote:

>I have a 600Mhz iBook.  I've found ram is cheap online, and while a serious
>pain, replacing the HD myself wasn't as bad as I read.  I got a 40GB 5400rpm
>fluid bearing toshiba with 16MB cache for $108 shipped.  I wouldn't
>recommend it for the timid, but with the right tools, instructions, and
>patience, it's doable.

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