[P1] iBook article in the NYT

Brian Hodkin bhodkin at merlin.mb.ca
Wed Mar 5 08:20:19 PST 2003

Hey all

this tech in canada ( ME ) would like to throw his two cents in to the mix
on ibooks for schools.

i saw the reports of whole school districts getting ibooks by the bushel.
this may be a good thing if and only if they are looked after.

 i have a portable lab of 20 ibooks that in my oppinion was not implemented
right in our school.   the abuse and damage done to these poor defenseless
ibooks is not pretty.  luckily it was more cosmetic.  lost keytops. and
power port problems.  i had to reengineer a fix to get these to work cause
they failed just off warranty. the power ports are fragile and the
installation of the power cord by someone other then a teacher may have
caused the breakdown.
the portables where used in a lower grade area.  and a senior high area.
seems the older kids where the more damaging lot.

seeing the positive reports about the program in maine is good for
technology but could be slanted wrong by those anti tech people as well.

lets hope the reviews are still good.

Brian Hodkin CNA
I.T. Specialist
Budding writer
Resident Computer tech and catch all
Southwest Horizon School Division
South Western Manitoba Canada

" i work in schools but have no class"

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