[P1] 12" PowerBook = G4 iBook?

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 12 16:35:57 PST 2003

On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 02:52  PM, Peter Nacken wrote:

>> Conversely, when the PB first wakes up on a cold morning, the
>> aluminum skin feels a lot colder than the iBook's polycarbonate.
>> (Imagine that on your lap in the loo!)
> Now THERE is a vivid picture to share with the group :)

Aluminum conducts heat and plastic is a better insulator which is why 
the two books at the same room temperature feel different, the aluminum 
sucks the heat right out of your finger tips.

Another good reason for not buying plastic toilet seats.


Simple Solutions for Simple Minds.  Jack Rodgers for President.

jackrodgers at earthlink.net

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