12" PowerBook = G4 iBook?

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Thu Mar 13 00:45:36 PST 2003

> From: Eugen Leitl <eugen at leitl.org>
> I realize the list is full of special people, but: it's just a 
> computer.

If the Macintosh was "just a computer," Apple would have been out of 
business at least 10 years ago. The fact that it clearly leads the 
computing industry in technological advancement and OS supremecy, the 
fact that it continues to thrive and make money on less than 1/4th the 
revenue that other companies have gone broke making, the fact that it's 
user base is consistently ranked THE most fiercely loyal and devoted, 
and the fact that lists and websites and magazines and forums like this 
one exist several hundredfold over the number of similar Windows fora 
suggest that the Mac is far *more* than "just a computer."

You, OTOH, are "just a troll." *plonk*


Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most people 
use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are inferior to 

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