[P1] Classic won't start

Brian Fish ifish at macosx.com
Wed Mar 19 06:32:51 PST 2003

>>jranieri at twcny.rr.com
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 5:59 AM
>>I love Jaguar and rarely use classsic any more, but when I tried to a few
>>days ago I
>>discovered that it won't startup. The splash screen appears, but it just
>>sort of stalls. I'm
>>wondering if there's an easy fix to this. Right now the iBook is out for
>>repairs to the
>>backlight .-- Since I've already backed everything up it might be a good
>>time to
>>reformat the hard drive and reinstall OS X when it returns. Any thoughts?

If you stick in your first Software Restore disk while booted in OS X, you
can select to just restore OS 9.  Should work fine after that.

Brian Fish

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