ibook still takes 15 - 20 min. to rebuild desktop

Bill Koepp bgkoe at ncinternet.net
Fri Mar 21 07:21:35 PST 2003

Well..... Techtool Lite 3.0.4 was installed to see if the ibook 
would then rebuild the desktop as fast as my old original 233 imac
does and it didn't help. The 600 ibook is much slower than the 233
imac in the desktop rebuild and also in using Norton 6.0 Utilities.
Do these  chip numbers actually mean anything ? The 233 imac was one
of the first sold in the state years ago and for some applications
it's as fast or faster than the 600 ibook. The imac has 288 MB
memory, the ibook has 384 MB memory, so that can't be it.

- Bill K.

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