Printing Woes

Mark D. Chapman mchapman at
Wed Mar 26 05:02:04 PST 2003

I have a few printing problems:

1. I can't print from an iBook (OSX) to a non-postscript Personal 
LaserWriter 300 (using a 7500 as a print server)
- I can't find an OS X driver for this printer. I have looked at and Gimp_Print among other sites and have found 
- I tried printing to PDF and printing it out using Acrobat but the 
printout looks terrible

3. Printing from an iBook (OSX) to a LaserWriter Plus (using a 7500 
as a print server)
- I have found an OSX driver for this printer. Unfortunately, it puts 
a grey background behind everything I print.

Since I am on the topic I thought I would throw in an off topic 
printer problem as well:
3. Printing from a 7100 to a Laserwriter (using appletalk over phonenet)
- I can't create a desktop printer using the chooser. Everything 
appears to work fine but no desktop printer appears.
- I can create a desktop printer using the Desktop Printer Utility. 
However, when I try to print to that printer I get a -8940 error.
- Following the advice of Apple's knowledge base I have deleted the 
desktop printers, deleted the printer preferences, deleted the parsed 
PPD folder and rebuilt the desktop all to no avail.

Does anybody have any suggestions for my printer woes?
  Mark Chapman - Centre for the Study of Religion - University of Toronto

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