
Dan Farley danfarley at mac.com
Fri Mar 28 20:00:56 PST 2003

> You know what.. I have a question.I am soon to be getting a blueberry p1
> ibook and was wondering.are there any problems that are a big pain that
> happen often???

My wife's still runs great. Keep your eyes open for a new battery - the
original will most likely be very shortlived.

If you want to use OSX plan on maxing out the ram (yes you can install a
526mb stick with updated boot rom). You'll stretch the original 3GB
harddrive too so plan on getting a larger one. dealmac.com has a link to a
15GB for $70.

You'll see cosmetic cracks in the handles plastic which has zero impact on
the integrity of the metal core.


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