[P1] Panther OS 10.3

Guy McMickle fieroguy2m6 at fuse.net
Fri Oct 10 21:46:26 PDT 2003

I tried out a beta version of Panther on my iBook and it was pretty 
nice.  I really like Expose, a really a cool feature.  The "new" finder 
seems easier to use.  It was also snappier than 10.2.x on my tired 
500mHz dual usb ibook.  I'll spring for it, but I can get it for $79.99 
with student discount!  I guess all the hours studying do pay off!?

-Guy McMickle

On Friday, October 10, 2003, at 11:52  PM, Brian Pearce wrote:

> If there's not a compelling feature or features that motivate you to 
> upgrade, you might wait and see what people are reporting with 
> hands-on experience. 10.3 supposedly offers improved performance; you 
> may find that people are seeing a useful speed boost with the same 
> model you're using. (One of my two Macs is a Clamshell iBook, so I'm 
> not holding out too much hope.)

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