[P1] Panther OS 10.3

David davidwb at spymac.com
Sat Oct 11 07:30:39 PDT 2003

On 10/10/03 9:54 PM, "Fred Stevens K2FRD" <K2FRD at stny.rr.com> wrote:

> I received a notice from Apple stating that the newest OS, Panther
> 10.3 will be available on 24 October - for $129. While I'm a little
> miffed that I've had this iBook for only slightly over a month and
> have upgraded OS X twice (to 10.2.8) and still won't be having the
> latest OS, I suppose it's just an instance of bad timing. I also
> don't like the idea of having to pay so much for a new, untested (by
> time) OS. Grumble, grumble...
> But, beyond what is advertized in the flier as advancements (new
> Finder, Expose, FileVault and several other listed features) and
> "enhanced Windoze compatability", it would be nice to know what
> additional features and advantages OS 10.3 might have.
> Anyone have additional insight into Panther?
Check out the usual suspects - amazon, macconnection, etc for special deals.
And don't forget your local independent Apple dealer. Mine is putting
together several very attractive bundles and we are going to party at the
store the 24th and the 25th we'll be having an installation party at the
local community college.


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