Blueberry iBook - can it play DVDs?

Dan K macdan at
Sun Oct 26 18:41:01 PST 2003

I just entered the "World of iBook" with a non-charging thriftstore 
Blueberry 300 with a loose power connector. I took it apart, resoldered 
the connector and overclocked the CPU to 400 while I was in there. :-) I 
also replaced the original CD drive with a CDRW (Matshita UJDA330) just 
for the heck of it. But since then I got to wondering...

can a Blueberry support a DVD drive to play DVDs?

I'm not really just yet in a mood to pull it apart again so I figgered 
I'd ask here before bothering. I do have several DVD mechanisms laying 
about from which to choose, so if y'all don't know, why I'll just report 
back what happens when I finally get around to giving it a whirl.


Dan K (Blueberry 400, 544mb, 20gb, CDRW)

PS: the 400mhz clock speed seems to be entirely problem free so far with 
more than 2 weeks use with 10.2.x.


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