A rule of wireless security is, never administer an access point wirelessly, always do it via a hardwire ethernet cable. Then, just set your Mac to have an IP address in the same subnet as the access point. Re disk fragmentation: I've not thought through the issue myself since I lack specific info about Apple's implementation of like harddrive head movement algorithms, and of b-trees, which is their directory data structure. But fragmentation is reported to have much less an effect with MacOS than with Window$. On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Jean-Paul Thuot wrote: > I am still unable to discover, or connect to the admin page of my > wireless access point, said by the documentation to be at > However my network (set via DHCP by my router) is > 192.168.123.x, so I'm wondering if there is a conflict there. When I . . . > Coming from a Linux background as I do, I was expecting OSX not to have > any fragmentation issues, as long as CRON was allowed to do its various > jobs. However, I see some 'sales pitches' from companies selling > de-fragmenters for OSX, which has me wondering. Can anyone enlighten > me on this issue? . . .