problems insatlling OS 9.2.1 CD on Ibook 700

spw stevepwats at
Sun Aug 8 18:46:58 PDT 2004

I have an Ibook 700 running Mac OS 10. 3 and want to run classic.
I received the OS 9.2.1 CD from Apple but I'm having trouble installing it.

The CD:
Mac OS 9
version 9.2.1

The Ibook will boot (start up) from the CD but it will not install:

I get this message when I double click on the installer:
"This program cannot run on your computer see the documentation for more information".

When I try to copy the system folder off the OS 9.2.1 CD I get this message when trying to launch
"The system software on the startup disk only functions on the original media, not if copied to
another disk".

Any help or advice to get classic running on this computer would be greatly appreciated.



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