[iBook] alternative to powerpoint?

Larry Kollar kollar at alltel.net
Sun Dec 26 13:47:01 PST 2004

J Patrick Draine wrote:

> My father-in-law is staying with us for the holidays, and is verging 
> on taking the plunge, and getting an iBook ...
> After asserting that he won't need to buy any software beyond the 
> bundle that comes with the iBook, I am having some minor 
> reconsideration on one point. Should he buy Office X so that if he 
> downloads a Powerpoint file he won't be flipping out when he can't 
> open it? Or is there some alternate software that can open up such a 
> file?

I think Apple's Keynote ($99) will open PowerPoint files. If he can 
deal with a less than MacOS-standard interface, OpenOffice is free.

Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
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