[iBook] Digital Video Camera compatibility list

Robert Newman rlnewmanitools at mac.com
Mon Dec 27 17:12:55 PST 2004

Jean-Paul Thuot wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am looking around for a cheap-ish DV camera, one the will work
>happily with Mac.  When I look at the list that Apple has on its site
>it seems to be extremely limited!  I'm actually quite surprised at how
>few (compared to how many cameras are available on, say, eBay) there
>are listed.
>Is that list really comprehensive?  Am I missing something?
>Thanks in advance,
>iBook mailing list
>iBook at listserver.themacintoshguy.com

Apple's list is not at all comprehensive.  I purchased a Sharp VL-NZ50 
Digital ViewCam MiniDV for 100.00 at a pawnshop.  It works great with my 
iBook and iMovie.  There are many available for even less on eBay.  The 
problem is, unless you know someone who has tried it, you are hard 
pressed to find out if it will truly work.  But although there are 
digicams with more features, the Sharp worked well for my needs.

Robert Newman

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