[P1] New iBook Owner / iBook Hard drive partition

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Wed Feb 11 14:22:42 PST 2004

Yes, partitioning is easy.  You coould try to set up for OSX itself
to be a lot like a typical partitioned *nix install, but it's probably
not worth it.  Or you could just do 2 partitions--1 for OSX, 1
for Linux (or several for Linux, depending on how you like your
Linux).  I can't say anything if you can have 2 main partitions,
and the Linux one subpartitioned, or about trying Linux partitioning.
I believe there is a linux for Macs, but I don't know how new the
Macs, nor if it's meant to play well with OSX on the same HD or
be standalone.

If you partition using Drive Setup, all partitions will be
visible in OSX, tho you can keep any from showing on the OSX
Desktop  by naming them in Terminal with leading ".".  Note,
beware using unix file system (UFS) without good reason, use
HFS+/Extended file system.

Apple has a lot of info related to unix various places at the
appleweb site, and there's more elsewhere on the web.

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Tyler Krehbiel wrote:
 . . .
> I think i read that on the panther disk i can get into drive setup and
> partition. What do you guys think? Anyone done this?

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