[P1] Verizon DSL with Linksys Wireless Router

Bill Sheehan bill.sheehan at mac.com
Sat Feb 28 14:08:15 PST 2004

The rule with Verizon or any other ISP is, don't tell 'em anything they 
don't need to know.  I run Linux, MacOS X, and NeXTstep, but when I 
have a problem with my link, I claim to run Windows.  Telling them 
otherwise will yield the mantra, "We don't support that."

Once in a blue moon I've reached a techie with technical chops, but 
most of them are script-readers.  ("Unplug the modem.  Leave it 
unplugged for 30 seconds.  Plug it back in.")

It's probably cheaper to pick up a router from your local computer 
store.   They're child's play to set up.  I've been happy with the SMC 
Barricade line, but a couple Belkins died on me.

-- Bill

On Feb 28, 2004, at 4:27 PM, Harry D. Corsover wrote:

> On Feb 28, 2004, at 9:44 AM, Thomas D. Kearns wrote:
>>  The Linksys Wireless Router does not support Macintosh."
> As far as I know, this statement is absolutely false. The router 
> cannot "know" what kind of computer it is connected to. Perhaps a more 
> accurate statement might be "We at Verizon Online know nothing about 
> Macintosh, so we won't support users with Macintosh computers. You're 
> on you're own."
> That, BTW, shouldn't be a problem.
> Regards,
> Harry Corsover
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