Today I installed an Airport Base Station M5757 (Graphite) and, in my Dual-USB iBook, an Airport Card 8.2001 and also added a Linksys BEFSR41 Router, v.3. This has been followed by some very unusual behavior when I am connected to the internet via the iBook through the above setup. 1. Very annoyingly, every time I turn airport on and then try to download mail the modem fires up and tries to dial out. Also, when I do a Restart, Just before the desktop is fully loaded, specifically as the desktop menubar items begin to fill in, I get an alert message from Internet Connect saying something like the modem is unable to establish a connection, indicating that it is trying to dial out as soon as the desktop loads! This despite having gone to Network preferences > Modem and checked Wait for dial tone before dialing. This is really a pain and something I haven't experienced since moving to OS X. How the devil do I stop this? 2. I cannot connect to a secure server with the laptop. E.g., when I go to MacFixit or Apple Discussions and try to log in, an https page starts to load but then I get "couldn't establish a secure connection to the server" message. I have Repaired Permissions and run Disk Utility. All suggestions welcome, bob