[P1] Unusual Behavior

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 29 06:49:19 PST 2004

On Feb 28, 2004, at 11:15 PM, Seeker wrote:

>     1.  Very annoyingly, every time I turn airport on and then try to
> download mail the modem fires up and tries to dial out.

How do you intend to pickup your mail without the modem dialing out?

You can change it so that you have to manually ask the airport modem to 
dial out using the airport admin utility, clicking on the button to 
show all settings, then Internet and uncheck Automatically dial out. 
Now you will have to select the airport icon in the menu bar, the name 
of your connection and Connect. You can also do the same and select 
Disconnect when you are finished.

>  Also, when I do a
> Restart, Just before the desktop is fully loaded, specifically as the
> desktop menubar items begin to fill in, I get an alert message from 
> Internet
> Connect saying something like the modem is unable to establish a 
> connection,
> indicating that it is trying to dial out as soon as the desktop loads!

See above.

>  This
> despite having gone to Network preferences > Modem and checked Wait 
> for dial
> tone before dialing.

That is for the internal modem and not the one in the abs.

Trees are being sucked dry of life in South Florida by a tiny insect.

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