[P1] sic!?! - off topic

Peter Nacken caipirina at mac.com
Fri Jan 2 10:42:50 PST 2004

Easily the best explanation I have ever read on this ... For years I thought
it is a cool-speek version of "sick"   as in false, wrong, what was the
writer thinking.


on 1/1/04 8:47 AM, Mike Wallinga at mwallinga at mailup.net wrote:

> It's a notation used in writing when you are quoting someone else and
> the direct quote has errors or oddities.  One web page explains it this
> way:
> ----- Begin Quoted Text
> Sometimes, though, you may have to quote something that looks downright
> wrong. In these cases, it's traditional to signal to your readers that
> the oddities are really in the original, and not your mistake. The
> signal is "[sic]": square brackets for an interpolation, and the Latin
> word sic, "thus, this way." (Since it's a foreign word, it's always in
> italics; since it's a whole word and not an abbreviation, it gets no
> period.) It amounts to saying, "It really is this way, so don't blame
> me."
> ----- End Quoted Text
> From http://newark.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/s.html
> So on the web page you were viewing, the [sic] notation may have been
> used because the test computer had an unreasonable amount of RAM
> listed, but the author of the page was obligated to use the data he had
> been given about the test computer.  Without seeing the page and the
> context, I can't be sure, but that would be my best guess.
> Hope this helps, off-topic as it may be.  :-)
> - Mike W.
> On Dec 31, 2003, at 2:21 PM, Chris Weinkauf wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I was browsing some web pages about the OS X Public Beta this morning
>> and noticed a little [sic] next to the RAM amount used in a test
>> computer. Does anyone know what this means?
>> Cheers ^_^
>> -Chris
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