ibook 800mhz questions

macintosh lover macintoshlover2004 at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 10 21:53:31 PST 2004

Hello Everyone,

I have recently started having more problems with this ibook, I purchased in April 2003,  the other day I attempted to
watch a dvd but the drive is the dvd/cdr combo drive, when i inserted the dvd , the computer didnt reconize it, plus i didnt even hear the drive spin.  my question would that be a logic board?   2nd question when i use an external mouse, via the usb ports, I would be using the mouse for 3 hours at a time, the mouse then stops working, i got to plug the mouse into another usb port, the screen comes up with a hold down the power key, after rebooting the ibook, it works for a short time.
3rd, with no mouse present, i sometimes use the touch pad, i have had problems when trying to point the arrow to something, i would have to almost press down hard with force to get it to move.  can anyone help me with these problems?

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