[P1] 802.11g on Dual USB iBook?

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jan 13 23:49:12 PST 2004

On 1/14/04 2:05, "Chris Weiss" <cweiss at stickyc.com> wrote:

> Are there any options for getting 802.11g on the dual USB iBook internally?
> I've got an older airport card in there now and am looking to get up to
> speed with the rest of my home wifi network.

No, there's nothing you can do. If your Mac doesn¹t accept an AirPort
Extreme card, you're stuck with the lower bandwidth.
            My Latest Book: Mastering Mac OS X: Panther Edition
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  . . . . . . .  kirk at mcelhearn.com | http://www.mcelhearn.com  . . . . . .
  . .  Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France  . .

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